
This is going to be a great story, couldn't be better

Well, last Friday there was this party @ 'het fioretticollege'. All girls were curling/styling their hair, putting on extra-ordinairy make-up and showing off with their beautifull dresses while all boys were walking around in their suites. I was, somehow, pretty excited about this whole party: My girlfriends were around, i fitted my dress, there was a discoball, someone was walking around with a photocamera and I was, very sneakily, a little drunk.

this is a little inside-joke, very funny

I want you

Daan will kill me when he sees this, so no one ever can tell Daan that I posted this, because I very much like his mouth here.

I'm not quite sure what we're doing here and who made this picture and why


Doing little dances, it's still a party you know
So next is Newyearseev', and if this is a good newyearseve 2010 is going to be a good year.
Watch out with firework kiddies.


sorry voor de spelfouten


I feel like posting blogs in English. I think this feeling is caused bij Lisa, because she created a new blog and she writes in Dutch ánd English. She's freakingly amazing. I love her.

Last night I had a really bad dream. At first, it was all good and we were this cool kids. Then someone started to chase me with a really big knife and I hid behind me mam's back. My 'chaser' went away and then came back running while screaming and yelling and than cut my arm in two pieces. Then I woke up all shaking and I took all of my boyfriends blanket, because I had a bad dream and I had to shelter and he didn't.

Just about half an our ago, I was really worried about Daan. I thought he had run away to California or something. He didn't anwser my phonecalles, my textmessages. I asked some people and they all didn't knew where on earth he could be. I had a hard time, but now everything is ok and my heart is beating as fast as it usually does again. Daan and I are going to buy nice clothes tomorrow. We'll meet at 12 o'clock at Amsterdam Centraal.

So what it all comes down to is that everything is going to be allright, I'm a good sixteenyearold and my 16th Christmas will take off tomorrow, everybody wishes everybody merry christmasses and happy new years and we all hope for white ones. We'll only eat food that's good for our hearts and watch 'the Grinch' for the 20st time with blinking eyes and smiling mouths so what's to dislike?


naast me schrijft een jongeman met een hoed en een baardje leuke liedjes

in de keuken achter me staat een moeder lekkere dingen te koken

buiten sneeuwt het een beetje

we doen allemaal ons best voor wereldvrede

en ik zoek mooie kleren uit op internet

Ik hou van het leven


ik voel me eenzaam

gelukkig heb ik lisa


wat moet ik er anders mee


chill haar




Maartje zestien



De dag dat ik mijn perfecte roze broek kapotmaakte

zweepslag @ Ardennen

Mijn gescheurde paarse broek

I lilalove Lisa





Spreekt voor zich


toen we twaalf waren


spreekt voor zich

spreekt voor zich