Well, last Friday there was this party @ 'het fioretticollege'. All girls were curling/styling their hair, putting on extra-ordinairy make-up and showing off with their beautifull dresses while all boys were walking around in their suites. I was, somehow, pretty excited about this whole party: My girlfriends were around, i fitted my dress, there was a discoball, someone was walking around with a photocamera and I was, very sneakily, a little drunk.
Daan will kill me when he sees this, so no one ever can tell Daan that I posted this, because I very much like his mouth here.
Doing little dances, it's still a party you know
So next is Newyearseev', and if this is a good newyearseve 2010 is going to be a good year.
Watch out with firework kiddies.